Mentoring Program
The Raleigh Bridge Club sponsors a mentoring program that pairs interested players with supportive mentors. The program fosters at-the-table learning, knowledge transfer from mentor to mentee and growth in confidence for the mentee. Details of the program:
- All mentees should be members of the RBC. If you haven't signed up for 2024 yet, please , RBC Mentoring Program Coordinator.
- All mentees should be Non Life Masters with less than 500 points at the beginning of the calendar year.
- Mentees will change mentors at the beginning of each year so people can benefit from mentors with different experience and perspectives.
- We ask that all partnerships sign up for the mentor/mentee games early, in coordination with the Program Coordinators. The setup for these games can be challenging for both the Program Coordinators and the Directors, so please be responsive when they ask for information.
- If you have signed up for a given month and are unable to make it, please inform both your partner and Program Coordinator as much ahead of time as possible. Two instances of being a no-show will result in suspension from the program.
- If you are not participating in the mentoring program in a given month but would still like to play in the game, we ask that either each member of a partnership be Non-LMs with less than 500 points, or be a non-regular partnership with one partner being a Non-LM with less than 500 points.
- Mentoring games are held on the 4th Thursday of each even month (February, April, June, August, October, December).
- The first mentoring game of 2024 is Feb 22 in person at the Royal.
- Mentoring games are stratified.
- Pairs may play SAYC, Standard American or 2/1.
- Review Guidelines on expectations of both parties.
- Please
, the Mentoring Program Coordinator if you have any questions.